RUST(러스트) 서버를 구축 할 경우 관리자가 사용 할 수 있는 명령어입니다.
[ 명령어 목록 ]
Command | Value | Description | Default |
ai.think | true/false | enables animal ai thinking | TRUE |
ai.move | true/false | allow animal movement | TRUE |
ai.sensetime | greater than 0 | 1 | |
ai.frametime | greater than 0 | 5 | |
ai.tickrate | greater than 0 | tickrate of ai | 5 |
antihack.enabled | true/false | enables antihack | TRUE |
antihack.admincheat | true/false | antihack ignores admin movements | TRUE |
antihack.objectplacement | true/false | antihack verifies object placement | TRUE |
antihack.playerdamage | true/false | antihack verifies damage caused by players | TRUE |
antihack.userlevel | 0,1,2 | changes userlevel of antihack options (0:user, 1:admin, 2:developer) | 2 |
antihack.enforcementlevel | 0,1,2 | changes what enforcment antihack uses (0:no enforcement, 1:kick, 2:ban) | 1 |
antihack.relaxationrate | greater than or equal to 0 | the rate that violations drop off after relaxation pause | 0.1 |
antihack.relaxationpause | greater than or equal to 0 | time after violations are given for them to start dropping off | 10 |
antihack.maxviolation | greater than 0 | violation level that causes antihack enforcment | 100 |
antihack.noclip_protection | 0,1,2 | change the system antihack uses to detect noclip (0:disabled, 1:raycast, 2:spherecast) | 1 |
antihack.noclip_reject | true/false | antihack rejects movement it considers noclip | TRUE |
antihack.noclip_penalty | greater than or equal to 0 | how many violations to give a player detected as noclipping | 4 |
antihack.speedhack_protection | 0,1 | enables speedhack protection (0:disabled, 1:enabled) | 1 |
antihack.speedhack_reject | true/false | antihack rejects movement it considers speedhack | TRUE |
antihack.speedhack_penalty | greater than or equal to 0 | how many violations to give to a player after they reach a set number of speeding tickets | 4 |
antihack.speedhack_forgiveness | greater than 0 | speed threshold for antihack to assume actual speedhacks and not just bug/rubberbanding | 2 |
antihack.speedhack_deltatime | greater than 0 | time interval antihack uses when calculating a players speed | 0.2 |
antihack.speedhack_tickets | greater than 0 | amount of speeding tickets required for antihack to give violations | 10 |
antihack.speedhack_history | greater than or equal to 0 | how many speeding tickets does antihack store in a players speeding ticket history | 15 |
antihack.flyhack_protection | 0,1,2 | changes system antihack uses to detect flyhack (0:disabled, 1:simple, 2:advanced) | 1 |
antihack.flyhack_reject | true/false | antihack rejects movement it detects as flyhack | TRUE |
antihack.flyhack_penalty | greater than or equal to 0 | amount of violations antihack gives out when it detects a player fly hacking | 4 |
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness | greater than 0 | distance of movement before antihacks assumes flyhacking | 2 |
antihack.debuglevel | 0,1,2 | amount of info antihack prints to console when it gives violations (0:silent, 1:show max violations, 2:print every violcation to console) | 1 |
batching.colliders | true/false | allow collider batching | TRUE |
batching.collider_vertices | greater than or equal to 0 | amount of vertices to allow in collider batching | 10000 |
batching.collider_submeshes | greater than or equal to 0 | amount of collider submeshes to batch | 1 |
batching.verbose | 0,1 | changes verbosity setting for collider batching | 0 |
chat.serverlog | true/false | enables server generating chat logs | TRUE |
construct.frameminutes | greater than 0 | how long after a frame is generated to delete it | 30 |
craft.instant | true/false | turns on instant craft for admins | FALSE |
decay.scale | greater than or equal to 0 | sets the speed of decay on the server (0:0%, 1:100%, 2:200% ..) | 1 |
decay.debug | FALSE | ||
env.time | 0-24 | change the hour of the day for the server (0:midnight, 12:noon) | | | 0-31 | change the day of the month for the server | |
env.month | 0-12 | change the month of the year for the server | |
env.year | greater than or equal to 0 | change the year of the server | |
fps.limit | greater than or equal to -1 | set server fps limit (-1:no limit) | 256 |
gc.interval | greater than or equal to -1 | garbage collector collection interval (60:every minute, 300:every 5 minutes) | -1 |
heli.lifetimeminutes | greater than or equal to 0 | length of time helicopter stays before flying away (0:disable) | 15 |
heli.guns | 0,1 | enable (#>1) or disable (0) helicopters machine gun | 1 |
heli.bulletdamagescale | greater than or equal to 0 | changes damage of bulets fired from helicopters machine gun (n*10 damage per bullet) | 1 |
heli.bulletaccuracy | greater than or equal to 0 | accuracy of helicopters machine gun (2:default, 1:twice, 4, half) | 2 |
net.visdebug | true/false | enable network visablility debug info | FALSE |
physics.droppedmode | good, tempgood, fast | physics mode that dropped items and bodies use | good |
physics.bouncethreshold | greater than or equal to 0 | threshold for an object to bounce off of things | 2 |
physics.sleepthreshold | greater than or equal to 0 | 0.005 | |
physics.solveriterationcount | greater than or equal to 0 | the solver iteration count allowed for rigid bodies | 7 |
physics.steps | greater than or equal to 0 | amount of physics steps per second | 16 |
sentry.targetall | true/false | enable for auto turrets to target everyone, regardless of authorization | FALSE |
server.ip | ip of the server | ||
server.port | server port | ||
server.maxplayers | greater than 0 | max players allowed on the server before joining players get put into a queue | |
server.hostname | text | name of the server | |
server.identity | text | name of servers main directory folder | |
server.level | text | servers map | |
server.seed | greater than or equal to 0 | servers seed | |
server.salt | greater than or equal to 0 | servers salt | |
server.worldsize | 1 - 8000 | size of the procedural map used by the server | |
server.saveinterval | greater than 0 | interval that the server saves | 300 | | true/false | enable server auto banning anyone with a rust gameban | TRUE |
server.tickrate | greater than 0 | tickrate of the server | 10 |
server.entityrate | greater than 0 | entity rate of the server | 16 |
server.official | true/false | FALSE | |
server.globalchat | true/false | enables or disables global chat for all players on the server | TRUE |
server.stability | true/false | enable stability | TRUE |
server.radiation | true/false | enable radiation | FALSE |
server.itemdespawn | greater than or equal to 0 | amount of time it takes for items/bodies to despawn if they are on the ground (60:1 minute, 180:3 minutes, 600:10 minutes) | 180 |
server.pve | true/false | enable for pve only server | FALSE |
server.description | text | description of server | |
server.headerimage | text | headerimage of server | |
server.url | text | url of the servers website | |
server.eac | 0,1 | enable or disable eac on server (1:enabled, 0:disabled) | 1 |
server.updatebatch | greater than 0 | amount of entity updates to send per loop to players | 128 |
server.planttick | greater than 0 | amount of time, in seconds, between plant ticks | 60 |
server.planttickscale | greater than 0 | how fast plants move through their life cycle in relation to ticks | 1 |
server.respawnresetrange | greater than or equal to 0 | distance from a sleeping bag to reset the timer of other beds and sleeping bags | 50 |
server.maxunack | greater than 0 | max amount of unacknowledged messages before server assumes it is congested | 4 |
server.netcache | true/false | enable or disable server network caching | TRUE |
server.netcachesize | greater than 0 | informational size of servers network cache | |
server.savecachesize | greater than 0 | imformational command, shows size in bytes of current save cache | |
server.compression | true/false | enable or disable server compression | FALSE |
server.netlog | true/false | enable server to log network information | FALSE |
spawn.min_rate | greater than 0 | minimum spawn rate of entities | 0.1 |
spawn.max_rate | greater than 0 | maximum spawn rate of entities (0.1 <= n <= 1) | 1 |
spawn.min_density | greater than 0 | minmum density of entity spawns | 0.1 |
spawn.max_density | greater than 0 | maximum density of entity spawns | 1 |
stability.verbose | 0,1 | enable or disable stability verbosity | 0 |
10 | |||
stability.collapse | 0 - 1 | stability percentage to break building pieces at | 0.05 |
stability.accuracy | greater than 0 | accuracy of stability calculations | 0.001 |
time.fixeddelta | 0.0625 | ||
time.maxdelta | 0.33 | ||
xmas.enabled | true/false | enable 2015 christmas event | TRUE |
xmas.spawnrange | greater than 0 | range around a player to randomly spawn presents in for 2015 christmas event | 50 |
xmas.giftsperplayer | greater than or equal to 0 | amount of gifts to spawn per player for 2015 christmas event | 2 |
rcon.port | rcon port | ||
rcon.ip | rcon ip | ||
rcon.web | true/false | enables or disables websocket rcon | FALSE |
global.maxthreads | greater than or equal to 1 | maximum cpu threads to use | 8 |
global.perf | FALSE | ||
global.timewarning | true/false | enables garbage collector time warnings in console | FALSE |
global.developer | true/false | FALSE | |
net.log | true/false | enables network info being logged from client | FALSE |
pool.sounds | true/false | enables sound pooling | FALSE |
pool.decals | true/false | enable decal pooling | TRUE |
pool.effects | true/false | enable effect pooling | TRUE |
pool.skins | true/false | enable skin pooling | TRUE |
pool.trees | true/false | enable tree pooling | TRUE |
pool.decor | true/false | enable decor pooling | TRUE |
vis.damage | true/false | enables debug damage display for admins | FALSE |
vis.attack | true/false | enables debug attack display for admins | FALSE |
vis.triggers | true/false | enables debug trigger entries display for admins | FALSE |
global.status | returns a list of currently connected clients to the console | 1 | |
global.kickall | kicks all connected players from the server | 1 | |
global.kick | 64 bit steam id, steam name | kicks a chosen player from the server | 1 |
global.ban | bans a chosen player from the server | 1 | |
global.ownerid | steam id 64 bit | sets a player to auth level 2 | 1 |
global.moderatorid | sets a player to auth level 1 | 1 | |
global.removemoderator | sets a player with auth level 2 to auth level 0 | 1 | |
global.removeowner | sets a player with auth level 1 to auth level 0 | 1 | |
global.banid | steam id 64 bit | bans a players steamid | 1 |
global.unban | steam id 64 bit, steam name | unban a player | 1 |
global.players | prints a list of connected clients to the console | 1 | |
global.say | text | speak in global chat over admin console | 1 |
global.users | prints a list of connected clients to the console | 1 | |
global.banlist | prints a list of banned players | 1 | |
global.banlistex | 1 | ||
global.listid | 1 | ||
global.mutevoice | steam id 64 bit, steam name | mutes a players voice chat | 1 |
global.unmutevoice | unmutes a players voice chat | 1 | |
global.mutechat | mutes a players global text chat | 1 | |
global.unmutechat | unmutes a players global text chat | 1 | |
global.clientperf | prints out a list of connected clients and their performance numbers | 1 | |
global.entid | 1 | ||
batching.refresh_colliders | forces a refresh of batched colliders | 1 | |
batching.status | prints out current batching status | 1 | |
console.tail | prints out the last 200 lines of the rcon console | 1 | | | text | searches rcon console for a particular sting of text | 0 |
data.export | 1 | ||
debug.flushgroup | forces network group to unload and reload all entities | 0 | |
debug.breakheld | breaks the object you are currently holding | 1 | |
debug.breakitem | text | breaks all items in your inventory that have names matching the input text | 1 |
entity.debug_toggle | toggles debug info for a specific entity that you are currently looking at | 1 | |
entity.nudge | |||
entity.create | hierarchy name | creates an entity at your current position | 1 |
env.addtime | 0 - 24 | adds a set amount of hours to the current game time | 1 |
gc.collect | forces garbage collector to collect | 0 | |
gc.unload | forces garbage collector to unload | 0 | |
global.restart | restarts the server with a forced save and 60 second warning | 1 | |
global.quit | leave the game | 0 | | | generate an entity report | 1 | |
global.objects | returns a list of object to the console | 1 | |
global.textures | returns a list of textures in console | 1 | |
global.colliders | returns a list of colliders in console | 1 | |
global.error | prints a null refrence error to console and on screen | 1 | |
global.queue | item id, item shortname | adds an item to your crafting queue | 0 |
global.sleep | forces your player to sleep | 1 | |
global.spectate | enter spectate mode | 1 | |
global.teleport | steamid 64 bit, steam name | teleports you to a player | 1 |
global.teleport2me | teleports a player to you | 1 | |
global.teleportany | entity name | teleports you to the closest of an object with a name that matches your input | 1 |
global.cleanup | forces an entity cleanup | 1 | |
global.version | prints out client version info | 0 | |
global.sysinfo | prints out system info in console | 0 | |
heli.drop | steamid 64 bit, steam name | spawns a helicopter at a specific players posititon | 1 |
heli.calltome | forces a helicopter to spawn off map and fly to your position | 1 | | | calls in a helicopter to roam the map like normal | 1 | |
heli.strafe | steamid 64 bit, steam name | forces helicopter to target a specific player | 1 | | returns a list of nearby entites, with hierarchy names | 1 | | | 1 | ||
hierarchy.del | hierarchy name | deletes all of a specified heirarchy on the server | 1 |
inventory.giveall | item id, item shortname | gives an item to everyone on the server | 1 |
inventory.givebpall | gives a blueprint to everyone on the server | 1 | |
inventory.give | gives you an item | 1 | |
inventory.giveto | steamid 64 bit, steam name | gives an item to a person using steam username | 1 |
inventory.giveid | gives an item to a person using steam id | 1 | |
inventory.givearm | gives an item to a persons hotbar | 1 | |
inventory.givebp | gives a blueprint to a person | 1 | |
pool.stats | returns pooling statistics for the server | 1 | |
pool.prefab_stats | returns pooling statistics for prefabs | 1 | |
pool.asset_stats | returns pooling statistics for assets | 1 | |
pool.clear | clears pool | 1 | |
server.stop | stops the server | 1 | |
server.backup | creates a backup of the server | 1 | |
server.writecfg | saves the server config | 1 | |
server.fps | returnes server fps to console | 1 | | | forces a server save | 1 | |
server.readcfg | loads server config | 1 | |
spawn.fill_populations | forces all entity populations to fill up to their limit | 1 | |
spawn.fill_groups | fources all entity groups to fill up to their limit | 1 | |
weather.clouds | greater than or equal to 0 | change the amount of clouds in the sky (0:disabled, 1:100%, 2:200%, *:automatic) | 1 |
weather.fog | change the amount of fog | 1 | |
weather.wind | change the amount of wind | 1 | |
weather.rain | change the amount of rain | 1 | |
xmas.refill | forces 2015 christmas event | 1 | |
global.dump | dumps diagnostic info from the physics system | 1 | |
global.find | alphanumeric characters | searches for any commands matching the input string, then returns them to console | 0 |
ent kill | destroys an entity you are looking at | 1 | |
ent unlock | unlocks an entity you are looking at | 1 | |
ent who | returns the steamid of whoever placed the entity you are looking at | 1 |
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